Edmond Truck Insurance

OK License #: 3000969706


Truckin' Through Edmond: Your Guide to Edmond Oklahoma Truck Insurance

Welcome to Edmond, folks! Situated just north of Oklahoma City, this gem of a town, with its population tickling the 100,000 mark, is the quintessential blend of big city attractions and small town charm. Picture this: a flourishing downtown scene infused with the spirit of Route 66, rich cultural events, a dash of top-tier golfing, and you're only just scratching the surface of what Edmond has to offer.

Now, let's talk turkey, and by turkey, we mean trucking, freight, and logistics. Not as exciting as a rodeo, you might say, but hold your horses! Edmond is a bustling hub for the trucking industry, with its pivotal location near major highways like the I-35 and Route 66. It's the heartland of a network that pumps life into the nation's supply chain.

Whether it's farm equipment, oil industry materials, or even livestock - if you can name it, our local truckers have probably hauled it. These road warriors keep the wheels of commerce spinning, and at The Insurance Store, we're here to make sure those wheels never stop.

Covering Your Bases: Trucking Coverages Explained

Ever wondered what it takes to safeguard these hulking machines of the highway and their precious cargo? It all begins with the right kind of insurance coverage. Let's shine a spotlight on some of the essential ones tailored for the trucking folks in Edmond:

  • Auto Liability

    This one's the law, folks! It covers bodily injury and property damage to others if you're at fault in an accident. Think of it as your ticket to the "Get Out of Jail Free" card in your Monopoly set.

  • Physical Damage

    Not to be mistaken for a boxing match! Physical Damage insurance covers your truck and trailer in case of accidents, theft, fire, or other unexpected "Oklahoma dust devils" life might throw at you.

  • Motor Truck Cargo

    Ah, the bread and butter of your operations! This insurance protects the commodities you haul from Point A to Point B - because, let's be honest, nobody wants a million dollar liability for a toppled load of new tractors, right?

  • Excess Liability

    Think of this as your backup quarterback, providing an extra layer of protection beyond your standard liability limits. It's like having an ace up your sleeve!

  • Workers Compensation

    This is the safety net for your employees, covering lost wages and medical expenses if they're injured on the job. After all, a happy crew is a productive crew!

  • General Liability

    This covers damages or accidents that might happen while you're not behind the wheel.

Why Choose TIS? Here's the Scoop!

At TIS, we're not just about the policies, and we're definitely not your typical, stuffy insurance agency. We are a family-owned business, boasting half a century of experience, and carrying on the torch of offering top-notch service to our trucking clientele. Our mantra is simple: We've got the knowledge and expertise, you've got the trucks, so let's roll together!

We're proud to collaborate with several A+ rated insurance carriers specializing in commercial trucking, so you can rest easy, knowing that we'll sniff out the best deals like a bloodhound on a scent.

TIS also brings convenience to your fingertips with our app, TIS24. Say goodbye to frantic searches for ID cards or policy documents. With TIS24, all your insurance needs are just a click away, whether you're lounging in your living room or hauling freight on the I-35.

Permits and Filings with TIS Trucking Services

Every trucker knows that permits and filings are as much part of the gig as coffee and country music. Lucky for you, TIS has a division called TIS Trucking Services that's all geared up to help you with your commercial trucking permits. We'll handle the red tape, so you can hit the open road with peace of mind.

Ring, Ring - The Open Road is Calling!

Well, there you have it, folks! Whether you're a seasoned road warrior or a rookie just getting your wheels dirty, we at TIS are here to navigate the winding roads of truck insurance with you. Give us a holler at 888-570-3130, and let's get truckin' together! Or if you're a bit on the shy side, just pop over to our website and request a quote. Remember, at TIS, our business is to keep your wheels turning and your worries at bay.

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Here is what Our Happy Customers have to say

Everyone I talked to was very helpful and professional. Miss Chelsey was awesome to work with. Look forward to doing business in the future!
Jesse Shiflett