picture of Liberty Vincent
Contact Information

 (435) 522-3880

 [email protected]

Liberty Vincent

Customer Experience Specialist

I'm Liberty Vincent, a Californian with a passion for exploration and service. Raised in the vibrant city of Murrieta, I learned the values of resilience and empathy from my big family.  Currently studying at Brigham Young University, I've been shaped by experiences serving diverse communities, particularly during my time in Washington DC. There, I dedicated myself to empowering others and fostering positive change.
Beyond service, I thrive on outdoor adventures, from conquering Mount Whitney to excelling in varsity tennis. I'm driven by curiosity, constantly seeking to understand the world around me.  Looking ahead, I aspire to visit one country from each continent, excluding Antarctica. Each experience, whether in service or adventure, has shaped me into a person driven by a desire to make a difference and embrace life's opportunities.